If you try to add the WordPress plugin WP-PageNavi to your WordPress blog using Thesis version 1.x, there is a good chance you will either received an error message, something about a parameter missing, or simply the page navigation you are expecting to see will not be there.
According to its creator WP PageNavi provides the wp_pagenavi()
template tag which generates fancy pagination links.
The problem when having a blog that is using the wonderful Thesis theme is that this function does not get executed within the normal flow of the page.
For WP PageNavi to appear you need to add a little bit of code to the “thesis_hook_before_footer” hook.
Steps to Fix this Issue with PageNavi and Thesis:
1. Open custom\custom_functions.php. I prefer to use FileZilla to connect via FTP to my site and Notepad++ to make any of the changes required.
You can make changes to custom_functions.php using the Thesis configuration within your blog, but I never really like that approach.
2. Add the following:
/* ADDING PAGENAVI */ function add_pagenavi() { echo '<div align="left">'; if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { wp_pagenavi(); } echo '<br /></div>'; } add_action('thesis_hook_before_footer', 'add_pagenavi');
3. Save, upload and test your page now.
It works! Thanks